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Terms & Conditions

  1. These prizes are open to all UK residents of BAME backgrounds.

  2. This call for submission is open to any book written in English and published in the UK between 1 Jan and 31 Dec of the calendar year with one important exception: books first published in another country of origin will NOT be considered.

  3. The prizes exist to support UK-based authors, publishers and agents of colour, so the book must originate in the UK and not have been published anywhere else in the world before its UK publication date. Books published simultaneously elsewhere will be considered if the author and primary agent are UK-based.

  4. There’s no age limit, the authors do not have to be British and they can have published other books before. Non-British/Irish authors who do not currently live in the UK or Ireland are not eligible.

  5. We also accept submissions from self-published authors who meet the above criteria. The only stipulation is that the book is available for sale in the UK.

  6. Please send a copy of EACH title (FOUR copies in total) by 8th December 2023 to the judges of the appropriate prize and to the prize administrator, who will provide addresses if you email

  7. The longlist of up to twelve books will be announced in March 2024.

  8. The winners will receive £1,000 each and unique work of art created for the Jhalak Prize by an artist of colour and for Jhalak Children’s & YA Prize by an illustrator of colour.

  9. The prize will be announced in May 2024.

  10. More than one book by the same author may be submitted if they have been published in the eligible year.

  11. Entrants who have made the longlist will be notified by email no later than 31 March 2024.

  12. It is the publisher’s responsibility to ensure the author is happy to be submitted for the prize.

  13. Entrants must be prepared to undertake reasonable publicity and promotional responsibilities in relation to the story and this competition, including being available for readings and other events.



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